
The Ohio State Biochemistry Program (OSBP) is an interdisciplinary graduate program that trains students to investigate the biochemical basis of life and disease. In the program, students earn a Ph.D. in Biochemistry after conducting original research in world-class laboratories. The interests of our faculty range from understanding fundamental biochemical pathways to dissecting molecular mechanisms that underlie human diseases. The training of our students is therefore equally broad, from basic physical biochemistry, structural biology and molecular genetics, through designing treatments for disease. Our students learn theoretical and practical aspects of biochemistry, gain skills in presenting their research, attend national and international scientific conferences, and participate in a seminar series with world-renowned speakers.

Current Administration

Charles Bell, Ph.D.
Director and Graduate Studies Committee Chair
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology 

206B Rightmire Hall
1060 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210

614 688-3115 office


Jane Jackman, Ph.D.
Associate Director 
Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

740 Biological Science Building
484 W. 12th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

614 247-8097 office


Lucy Omar
Program Manager
109 Biological Science Building
484 W. 12th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

614 292-1463 office
614 292-6511 fax

Graduate Studies Committee and Subcommittees

The Graduate Studies Committee is responsibility for all academic issues related to program, as delineated in the Gradute School Handbook, the OSBP Student Handbook, and the charter of OSBP. Standing subcommittees on Admissions, Curriculum, and Recruiting manage key tasks for the GSC. The MLS Seminar Series is cooperatively managed with MCDB.  Committee service is typically a three-year term commencing on August 15.

Graduate Studies Committee

  • Chuck Bell, Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology, Chair
  • Jane Jackman, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Venkat Gopalan, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Mark Parthun, Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology
  • Thomas Magliery, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Marcos Sotomayor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Natacha Ruiz, Microbiology

Admissions Committee

  • Chen Gu, Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology
  • Craig Burd, Molecular Genetics
  • Ross Dalbey, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Sarah Heissler, Physiology & Cell Biology
  • Chuck Bell, Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology, ex officio

Curriculum Committee

  • Chuck Bell, Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry, Chair
  • Mark Foster, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Mike Freitas, Cancer Biology & Genetics
  • Karin Musier-Forsyth, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Recruiting Committee

  • Marcos Sotomayor, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Chair
  • Jane Jackman, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Michael Kearse, Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology
  • Tianmin Fu, Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology
  • Damien Wilburn, Chemistry & Biochemistry

MLS Seminar Committee

This committee is run jointly with MCDB. OSBP members only are listed here. Management of this committee switches between the programs on a 3-year cycle. 

  • Venkat Gopalan, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Chair
  • Guramrit Singh, Molecular Genetics, (on behalf of MCDB)
  • Vicki Wysocki, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Wen Tang, Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology
  • Jane Jackman, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Chuck Bell, Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology

Program History

The Ohio State Biochemistry Program was first formed in 1983 to combine the graduate faculty resources of the Department of Biochemistry (College of Biological Sciences), the Department of Physiological Chemistry (College of Medicine), and the Department of Chemistry (College of Mathematical & Physical Sciences), at the direction of the Provost. In 1988, the program was re-organized according to a set of principles set forth by the Dean of the Graduate School, and a Charter based on those principles was ratified in 1990. The reorganization opened the program to biochemists from across the university. In 1996, an Ohio Board of Regents review of all biomedical programs in the state affirmed OSBP as the sole mechanism for integration of biochemical graduate training at OSU, effectively merging the departmental graduate programs from the Department of Biochemistry and Department of Medical Biochemistry into OSBP. In 1998, an administrative reorganization of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs shifted the oversight of the program from the Graduate School to the Council of Life Sciences Deans, and the program operated this way for over a decade.

In 2009, the program faculty altered the charter to shift greater responsibility to the Department of Biochemistry, the Department of Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry, and the Department of Chemistry in appointing the director and managing the program. In 2010, the Colleges of Biological Sciences and Mathematical & Physical Sciences were integrated into the re-unified College of Arts & Sciences, and in 2012, the Department of Biochemistry and the Department of Chemistry merged into a single department. At the same time, in 2008, the Graduate School’s doctoral program assessment resulted in the formation of a Task Force on the Life Sciences, and their 2009 report recommended the formation of the Life Sciences Network as an umbrella administrative structure for the interdisciplinary graduate programs through the Graduate School.  The LSN was implemented in the fall of 2011.  In 2015, the administration of the program was returned to the Graduate School directly.  Also, Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry merged with Pharmacology to form the Department of Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology.

Today, OSBP is administered through the Graduate School.  It is cooperatively managed by its faculty, with the Director of the program selected by the Chairs of the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and the Department of Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology, and those two departments contribute faculty to all of the standing departments that run the program.

Program directors for OSBP have included:

  • Charles Bell, Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology, 2020-present
  • Jane E. Jackman, Chemistry & Biochemistry, 2017-2020
  • Thomas J. Magliery, Chemistry & Biochemistry, 2013-2017
  • Michael Ibba, Microbiology, 2012-2013
  • Jill Rafael-Fortney, Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry, 2009-2012
  • Ross Dalbey, Chemistry, 2004-2009
  • Donald Dean, Biochemistry, 2001-2004
  • Russ Hille, Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry, 1998-2001
  • Robert Brueggemeier, Pharmacy, 1994-1998
  • Ron W. Trewyn, 1989-1991, 1993-1994