Training Programs


Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program (CMBP)

The Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program (CMBP) at OSU prepares predoctoral students for life-sciences research careers in academia, government or industry; and advance research pursuits in areas related to human health, physiology and disease.

Molecular Biophysics Training Program (MBTP)

The Molecular Biophysics Training Program is funded through an NIH T32 training grant, with the goal of providing a truly transformative training experience in graduate students in molecular biophysics labs--one which will draw students from disparate backgrounds into more formal biophysics training within a coherent community.  Eligible students in Biophysics, OSBP, and the Biochemistry division of the Chemistry graduate program can be supported for up to two years, take an enriched curriculum, have access to career development resources, and interact with other labs through lab exchanges, monthly workshops, and an annual symposium.

Training in Neuromuscular Diseases 

The “Training in Neuromuscular Diseases” program provides postdoctoral and predoctoral students with a diverse and integrative background in motor neuron and skeletal muscle biology that will prepare them for their future roles as independent basic and clinical scientists focused on the causes and treatments of neuromuscular disorders. It is hosted by the Ohio State University and Nationwide Children's Hospital Muscle Group.