Buckeye Biochemistry Club

The Buckeye Biochemistry Club is a student-based organization that provides the opportunity for graduate students to interact inside and outside of the academic environment.  Throughout the year, students involved in the club plan and organize various activities for students within the program, from picnics to Clippers games and more. The club helps the Ohio State Biochemistry Program with recruitment events and orientation for incoming students, in addition to helping set up our annual IGP Symposium.

2024-2025 Club Officers

Joe Kanlong, President

Andrew Savidge, Vice President 

Elijah Day, Treasurer

Grace Crowe and Gautam Ghosh, Secretaries

Gianni Giarrano, CGS Delegate

Jillian Poska and Jacob Smith, Social Committee Chairs

Olivia Roumaya and Michael Brandt, Outreach Committee Chairs

Eliza Oser and Stella Lai, Professional Development Committee Chairs

Blanche Chen, Orientation Committee Chairperson

Cassie Robbins, IGP Symposium Chairperson