Salmonella-Mediated Inflammation Eliminates Competitors for Fructose-Asparagine in the Gut
Blake Szkoda, Venkat Gopalan, Vicki Wysocki, Jikang Wu, Anice Sabag-Faigle, Mikayla A Borton, Linnea F M Kop, Brooke L Deatherage Kaiser, Stephen R Lindemann, Ryan S Renslow, Siwei Wei, Carrie D Nicora, Karl K Weitz, Young-Mo Kim, Joshua N Adkins, Thomas O Metz, Prosper Boyaka, Kelly C Wrighton, Brian M M Ahmer
Scribe: Next Generation Library Searching for DDA Experiments
Brian Searle, Ariana Shannon, Damien Wilburn
Selective packaging of HIV-1 RNA genome is guided by the stability of 5' untranslated region polyA stem
Jonathan Kitzrow, Karin Musier-Forsyth, Olga A Nikolaitchik, Shuohui Liu, Yang Liu, Jonathan M O Rawson, Saurabh Shakya, Zetao Cheng, Vinay K Pathak, Wei-Shau Hu
SMN expression is required in motor neurons to rescue electrophysiological deficits in the SMNΔ7 mouse model of SMA
Anton Blatnik, Arthur Burghes, Vicki McGovern, Chitra C Iyer, W David Arnold, Sara E Gombash, Phillip G Zaworski, Kevin D Foust
Solution structure of the nucleotide hydrolase BlsM: Implication of its substrate specificity
Vicki Wysocki, Samantha Sarni (OSBP alumni), Minhee Kang, Kiran Doddapaneni, Zach Heppner, Zhengrong Wu
Spectrally Resolved Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Imaging Reveals Plasmon-Mediated Chemical Transformations
Brian Scarpitti, Zachary Schultz, Carlos Diego L de Albuquerque, Chelsea M Zoltowski, Deben N Shoup
STK11/LKB1 Loss of Function Is Associated with Global DNA Hypomethylation and S-Adenosyl-Methionine Depletion in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma
Vicki Wysocki, Michael J Koenig, Bernice A Agana (OSBP Alumni), Jacob M Kaufman, Michael F Sharpnack, Walter Z Wang, Christoph Weigel, Fabio C P Navarro, Joseph M Amann, Nicole Cacciato, Rajeswara Rao Arasada, Mark B Gerstein, Christopher Oakes, David P Carbone
Structural basis of sequestration of the anti-Shine-Dalgarno sequence in the Bacteroidetes ribosome
Zakkary McNutt, Kurt Fredrick, Vikash Jha, Bappaditya Roy, Dushyant Jahagirdar, Elan A Shatoff, Bethany L Boleratz, Dean E Watkins, Ralf Bundschuh, Kaustuv Basu, Joaquin Ortega
Structural determinants of protocadherin-15 mechanics and function in hearing and balance perception
Brandon Neel, Marcos Sotomayor, Deepanshu Choudhary, Yoshie Narui, Lahiru N Wimalasena, Carissa F Klanseck, Pedro De-la-Torre, Conghui Chen, Raul Araya-Secchi, Elakkiya Tamiselvan
Structure and mechanism of the Red recombination system of bacteriophage λ
Brian Caldwell, Charles Bell
Structure of a RecT/Redβ family recombinase in complex with a duplex intermediate of DNA annealing
Brian Caldwell, Vicki Wysocki, Charles Bell, Andrew S Norris, Caroline F Karbowski, Alyssa M Wiegand
Tackling antimicrobial stewardship through synergy and antimicrobial peptides.
Jenna Greve, James Cowan
Tagging enhances histochemical and biochemical detection of Ran Binding Protein 9 in vivo and reveals its interaction with Nucleolin
Miranda Gardner, Michael Freitas, Shimaa H A Soliman, Aaron E Stark, Sean W Harshman, Chelssie C Breece, Foued Amari, Arturo Orlacchio, Min Chen, Anna Tessari, Jennifer A Martin, Rosa Visone, Krista M D La Perle, Dario Palmieri, Vincenzo Coppola
The good, the neutral, and the positive: buffer identity impacts CO2 reduction activity by nickel(ii) cyclam
Camille R Schneider (OSBP alumni), Luke C Lewis, Hannah S Shafaat
The long non-coding RNA HOXB-AS3 regulates ribosomal RNA transcription in NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia
Miranda Gardner, Michael Freitas, Dimitrios Papaioannou, Andres Petri, Oliver M Dovey, Sara Terreri, Eric Wang, Frances A Collins, Lauren A Woodward, Allison E Walker, Deedra Nicolet, Felice Pepe, Prasanthi Kumchala, Marius Bill, Christopher J Walker, Malith Karunasiri, Krysztof Mrozek, Virginia Camilotto, Nina Zitzer, Jonathan L Cooper, Xiongwei Cai, Xiaoqing Rong-Mullins, Jessica Kohlschmidt, Kellie J Archer, Yi Zheng, Robert J Lee, Iannis Aifantis, George Vassiliou, Guramrit Singh, Sakari Kauppinen, Clara D Bloomfield, Adrienne M Dorrance, Ramiro Garzon
The many faces of RNA-based RNase P, an RNA-world relic.
Hong Duc Chau Phan, Venkat Gopalan, Lai LB, Zahurancik WJ
The Mechanical Microenvironment Regulates Axon Diameters Visualized by Cryo-Electron Tomography
Di Ma, Chen Gu, Binbin Deng, Chao Sun, David W McComb
Thioester synthesis by a designed nickel enzyme models prebiotic energy conversion.
Alina Yerbulekova, Hannah Shafaat, Manesis AC, Shearer J
Tied up in knots: Untangling substrate recognition by the SPOUT methyltransferases
Isobel Bowles, Jane Jackman, Sarah E Strassler, Debayan Dey, Graeme L Conn
Tied up in knots: Untangling substrate recognition by the SPOUT methyltransferases
Isobel Bowles, Jane Jackman, Sarah E Strassler , Debayan Dey, Graeme L Conn
Transient kinetic analysis for studying ionizations in RNA modification enzyme mechanisms
Jane Jackman, Aiswarya Krishnamohan, Samantha Dodbele
Translation reinitiation after uORFs does not fully protect mRNAs from nonsense-mediated decay
Paul Russell, Arthur Burghes, Michael Kearse, Jacob A Slivka, Elaina P Boyle
Use of tandem affinity-buffer exchange chromatography online with native mass spectrometry for optimizing overexpression and purification of recombinant proteins
Stella Lai, Jamison Law, Venkat Gopalan, Vicki Wysocki, Pankajavalli Thirugnanasambantham, Vaishnavi Sidharthan, Andrew S Norris
Utilization of Hydrophobic Microenvironment Sensitivity in Diethylpyrocarbonate Labeling for Protein Structure Prediction.
Sarah Biehn, Steffen Lindert, Patanachai Limpikirati, Richard W Vachet
Validated determination of NRG1 Ig-like domain structure by mass spectrometry coupled with computational modeling.
Sarah Biehn, Steffen Lindert, Khaje NA, Eletsky A, Mobley CK, Rogals MJ, Kim Y, Mishra SK, Doerksen RJ, Prestegard JH, Sharp JS